The Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District is a public entity that works closely with staff from its member communities (the City of New Bedford and the Town of Dartmouth) to promote and manage an integrated solid waste management program that prioritizes waste reduction, reuse of materials, proper recycling, and composting and anaerobic digestion of organic wastes as essential means to reduce reliance on disposal facilities and to align with MassDEP’s 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan. The District provides cost-effective and environmentally responsible municipal solid waste disposal services at the Crapo Hill Landfill, which has saved its member communities an estimated $75 million in waste disposal costs since opening in 1995 and continues to serve as a valuable asset.
We are committed to promoting sustainable practices within our community. Our range of services is designed to help residents of New Bedford and Dartmouth manage waste responsibly while supporting environmental health. From compost bins and food waste drop-off programs to specialized recycling and paper shredding events, we provide the tools and resources needed to reduce waste and promote recycling. Join us in making a positive impact on our environment!
North End Compost Bin Day is on April 5, 2025. New Bedford & Dartmouth residents who purchase a backyard compost bin are eligible for a FREE kitchen counter bin while supplies last.
Type the name of an item in the Recyclopedia from Recycle Smart MA and find out where it goes! The Recyclopedia is a tool provided by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
Participating in your city or town’s Food Waste Drop-Off reduces your trash, turns food waste into valuable resources, and keeps food waste out of the Crapo Hill Landfill.
The next Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day is on May 3, 2025. Events are for New Bedford, Dartmouth, and Freetown residents.
The next Paper Shredding Day is on May 31, 2025. They are a great opportunity to recycle confidential documents such as bank statements, medical forms, or retired tax forms.
The Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District is a great example of regional cooperation and provides cost-effective, safe, and sustainable municipal solid waste disposal services. The District is a public entity that was formed in 1979 when Dartmouth and New Bedford signed an Inter-Municipal Agreement under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 44A-K and a special act of the State Legislature. The District is governed by a Committee composed of three members from New Bedford and three members from Dartmouth, whose primary focus is serving the best interest of these communities.
No, the landfill is not open to the general public. Please visit your city or town website for guidance on how to dispose of specific items. Give items in usable condition to organizations or people who can make use of them. If you cannot find an outlet for usable items, call (508) 979-1493 to ask if we know of any outlets.
Yard waste from New Bedford and Dartmouth residents is brought to the composting area at the Crapo Hill landfill and formed into windrows, or long piles. After a few months of turning the piles, most of the material breaks down. The compost goes through a screener, and then free compost is made available to residents of Dartmouth and New Bedford at the Crapo Hill landfill. For more information, visit Yard Waste.
Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day is held once in the spring and once in the fall at the Crapo Hill Landfill. Visit Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day for more information.
Crapo Hill landfill has an estimated 4-5 years of disposal capacity remaining in the currently constructed and permitted landfill cells. The District is working to maximize the useful life of the landfill by working closely with staff from the City of New Bedford and the Town of Dartmouth to prioritize waste reduction, reuse of materials, proper recycling, and composting and anaerobic digestion of organic wastes to reduce the amount of waste requiring disposal and to align with MassDEP’s 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan. The District is also working to design, permit, and construct another landfill cell within the existing parcel, and is conducting strategic planning for the long-term management of solid waste from its member communities.
Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District
300 Samuel Barnet Blvd.
New Bedford, MA 02745
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