Yard Waste

Wondering what happens to the leaves, grass, and other yard waste you leave at the curb or drop off at your local recycling center or transfer station? For more information, call (508) 979-1493, text (774) 503-0254, or email marissa@gnbrrmdistrict.org

Yard waste from New Bedford and Dartmouth residents is brought to a separate section at the Crapo Hill landfill and formed into windrows or long piles so it can break down into compost. Afterward, the compost goes through a screener to remove anything that’s not compost.

This compost is available free to New Bedford and Dartmouth residents. Please note it’s not finely screened and may contain little sticks and small pieces of trash. The landfill is located at 300 Samuel Barnet Blvd, and is open Monday – Friday 7:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Please go to the scale house first. It’s self-serve. Tip: Bring your own shovel and container.

New Bedford residents: For information about seasonal curbside yard waste collection and drop off at the Recycling Center, click here.

Dartmouth residents: For information about seasonal curbside yard waste collection and drop-off at the Dartmouth Transfer Station, click here.