Latest Past Events

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day

Crapo Hill Landfill 300 Samuel Barnet Blvd, New Bedford

Crapo Hill Landfill, 300 Samuel Barnet Blvd. New Bedford. New Bedford, Dartmouth, and Freetown residents only. Examples of accepted hazardous wastes: oil-based paint, paint thinner, pesticides, & gasoline. Do not bring latex paint (if you cannot give it away, dry out and throw away in the regular trash). No waste oil or antifreeze.  FOR MORE […]

Paper Shredding Day

New Bedford High School 230 Hathaway Blvd, New Bedford

All are welcome – 2 box limit.

Compost Bin Day

Dartmouth & New Bedford residents who purchase, or previously purchased, a backyard compost bin will receive a Sure-Close kitchen counter bin (2 gallons) FREE while supplies last. For more information, see the press release.