Around 20% of what residents place in their trash is food waste. The District aims to offer residents a variety of options for preventing food waste and diverting it from the trash. For more information, call (508) 979-1493, text (774) 503-0254, or email
1. Prevent food waste at home. Click here for a Save Food Save Money flyer with easy to follow tips for extending the life of your food. Also, watch the Life of Strawberry below to learn about all the resources that go into making our food.
2. Backyard compost at home. Turn fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil amendment. The District sells low cost compost bins to New Bedford and Dartmouth residents. Click here to learn how to compost at home and how to purchase a low-cost compost bin.
3. Drop off food waste at your city or town’s recycling center or transfer station. Click here to learn more!
4. Register for the Curbside Food Scraps Collection Program. The Curbside Food Scraps Collection Program can help reduce household waste by up to 30%. Residents who pay for this service will have food scraps picked up by Black Earth Compost on a weekly or biweekly basis at their home for a fee. The program currently serves portions of Dartmouth. Pre-register at