Around 20% of what residents place in their trash is food waste. Participating in your City or Town’s Food Waste Drop-Off Program reduces your trash volume, turns food waste into valuable resources, and keeps food waste out of the Crapo Hill Landfill. The less that is added to the landfill, the longer it will last! For more information, call (508) 979-1493, text (774) 503-0254, or email
Both the City of New Bedford and Town of Dartmouth accept all unpackaged food waste, even bones and seafood shells in their Food Waste Drop-Off Program.
Not accepted: Plastic bags, plastic wrap, food packaging or cans, pet waste, plates, cups, utensils
New Bedford Recycling Center
1103 Shawmut Avenue
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from noon to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
New Bedford residents only; proof of residency required
Click here for a flyer about the program.
Dartmouth Transfer Station
976 Russells Mills Rd
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Dartmouth residents only; transfer station permit required
Click here for a flyer about the program.
The program is free to Dartmouth and New Bedford residents!
You can place your food waste in a countertop container. We’ve heard of residents using a bowl or 5-gallon bucket or repurposing ice cream containers and protein powder jugs. There are also countertop bins available for purchase online.
You can place the food scraps directly into the food waste carts at the Recycling Center or Transfer Station. Or, you can store food scraps in a BPI-certified compostable bag. However, these bags biodegrade quickly (as intended) so it’s best to bring your countertop container including the BPI-certified bag filled with food waste to the food waste carts. This can prevent spillage.
Free Starter Kits – While Supplies Last
New Bedford residents – New Bedford residents can pick up a FREE countertop food waste collection container, and a roll of BPI certified compostable bags while supplies last. These are available at the Department of Facilities and Fleet Management at 294 Liberty Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Proof of residency is required.
Dartmouth residents – SMART Program participants who have not already picked up a FREE starter kit can pick one up while supplies last. The starter kit includes a countertop food waste collection container, a roll of BPI certified compostable bags, and a 5-gallon bucket fitted with a high-quality airtight lid! The kits are available at the DPW office, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Proof of residency is required.
Food waste from New Bedford is hauled by Recycle Works to an anaerobic digester in Rhode Island, where it is converted into renewable energy.
Food waste from Dartmouth is hauled and managed by Black Earth Compost, a Massachusetts-based company that converts the food waste into nutrient-rich compost.
No compost is available for free by participating in the food waste drop-off programs. These programs are managed by third-party companies. However, you can still benefit by reducing the volume and smell of your trash by participating in the free food waste drop-off program!
However, free compost is available for New Bedford and Dartmouth residents at the Crapo Hill landfill. Please note it’s not finely screened and may contain little sticks and small pieces of trash – we do our best to get these out but some sneak through the screen. The landfill is located at 300 Samuel Barnet Blvd, and open Monday – Friday 7:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. -10:45 a.m. Please go to the scale house first. It’s self-serve. Tip: Bring your own shovel and container.
Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District
300 Samuel Barnet Blvd.
New Bedford, MA 02745
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